July 1, 2013

Support for Employee Ownership in Colorado

Executive Director

The Rocky Mountain Employee Ownership Center (RMEOC), an organizational member of the NCEO, has been actively promoting employee ownership in Colorado. On June 25 and 26, it hosted NCEO founder Corey Rosen for a series of meetings with State Representative Angela Williams (D-Denver), the chair of the Business, Labor, Economic and Labor Committee; Chris Martinez of the Denver Department of Economic Development; and Debbie Ortega of the Denver City Council. All three enthusiastically agreed to work on ways to get the state and city to make business owners more aware of employee ownership as a succession planning tool.

Seminars were also held for members of the Denver Bar Association and the Chamber of Commerce, while meetings with leaders of other local business organizations resulted in promises to make their members more aware of worker cooperatives and ESOPs.