Malaysia Pursues Employee Ownership

In late August, a conference will be held in Kuala Lumpur to discuss employee ownership as a business and privatization strategy in Malaysia. Malaysia now joins Jamaica, Argentina, China, and Zimbabwe among non-Western counties looking at this option.

Productivity/Pay Linkage Seems Broken Lately

Several recent reports have noted that during the last decade, real total compensation (wages and benefits) have been stagnant while returns to capital have soared (remember the Dow in the 1980s and how analysts wondered if it could ever top 3,000?).

First Federal Employee Ownership Privatization Initiative

The Clinton administration promised to give a high priority to privatizing government operations through employee ownership. The first such effort is now underway for the Office of Federal Investigations (OFI) in the Office of Personnel Management.

Was Kelso Right After All?

Most economists have long argued that as productivity goes up, so do wages and, ultimately, employment. Therefore, if technology increases productivity, more people will be working for more money. Since the industrial revolution, this notion has been well confirmed by actual experience.

New Book on Weirton Steel

Friendly Takeover: How an Employee Buyout Saved a Steel Town is a new book on the employee buyout of Weirton Steel Corporation.

New Study on Exercising Stock Options

A new study by Steven Huddart at the University of Michigan and Mark Lang of the University of North Carolina concludes that employees often exercise their options early, thus failing to maximize the theoretical value of the grant.