North Carolina Law Is First in U.S. Qualifying ESOPs for Historically Disadvantaged Contracting Preferences

The North Carolina legislature has passed and the governor has signed S. 802, an infrastructure finance bill that also includes an unrelated provision allowing ESOPs in which at least 51% of the participants are “minority persons or socially and economically disadvantaged individuals” to qualify for the state’s historically underutilized business set-aside program.

The Download: A Year in Review

This June marked the one-year anniversary of The Download, a monthly NCEO member resource designed to help improve education and engagement at employee-owned companies.

SBA Simplifies Valuation Requirements for ESOP Transactions

When it became law in 2018, the Main Street Employee Ownership Act was widely seen as a boost to employee ownership by facilitating SBA financing, but so far, it has had only a minor impact, supporting the financing for fewer than a dozen ESOP transactions. The U.S.

Colorado Employee Ownership Legislation Signed into Law

Governor Jared Polis of Colorado has signed HB24-1157, a bill that provides statutory authority for the Colorado Employee Ownership Office, which Governor Polis created in 2020 through an executive order.

Updated State-Specific Resources for Current and Prospective ESOPs

At the 2024 NCEO Annual Conference earlier this month, one of the questions I heard most often from attendees was "where can I find state-specific ESOP information?" Whether you’re a current ESOP and looking to connect with other employee-owned companies in your state, or you’re ESOP-curious and