NCEO/ESCA Research: ESOPs, Wealth, and Jobs

Since the February 1 release of the NBC News Now story “Instead of ‘I quit,’ workers at these companies say they’re staying put and reaping rewards,” inspired by new NCEO research suppo

It May Rain Cats and Dogs in Seattle, But Our Puppies Will Stay Dry

We've seen our conference grow from a small pack of attendees in the early 80s to more than 2,000 due to our dogged insistence on serving the employee ownership community's needs, but everyone was always human, even if they did howl sometimes. Now we're going to have puppies too!

Guest Blog: Training to Be an ESOP Professional

The ESOP consulting community endeavors to advance employee ownership.  In a recent call of 70 leading ESOP consultants hosted by the Beyster Institute at the Rady School of Management at UC San Diego, we discussed why some ESOP transaction closing dates were delayed.

Guest Blog: New EO Legislation Passes in PA

The Pennsylvania Center for Employee Ownership is pleased to announce that employee ownership legislation has successfully passed in the Pennsylvania House and is on to the Senate.

The 2022 National ESOP Database Is Now Available

The 2022 ESOP database is now available, containing comprehensive information about every ESOP in the US. This database breaks out privately held and publicly traded ESOPs, and includes the age of the ESOP, number of participants, total plan assets, and more.