NCEO Annual Conference Judged "Best Ever"

The NCEO's annual conference from April 17 to 19 was said to be the "best ever" by a number of attendees. The conference featured a new format designed to reduce the number of speakers on panels and increase the ratio of company attendees to consultants.

Suit by United Employees Opposed to ESOP Dismissed

A lawsuit by a group of employees unhappy with the United Airlines ESOP has been dismissed. In Sommersby v. State Street Bank, the plaintiffs contended that the wage concessions employees made were too large for the amount of stock they got.

Delta Pilots Get Options Worth 19% of Company

In return for wage and other concession, pilots at Delta will get stock options worth as much as 19% of the carrier, plus a non-voting seat on the board. Delta joins Southwest in offering options to all its pilots.

Business Week Lauds United, Questions ESOP Growth

In a March 14 cover story, Business Week lauded the progress United Airlines has made as a participative, employee-owned company. The article pointed out how work teams throughout the company have saved huge amounts of money.

Administration to Oppose Section 133 Changes

The Budget Reconciliation Act passed by Congress contains a provision to eliminate section 133 of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 133 allows lenders to exclude 50% of the interest income they receive on loans to majority ESOPs passing through full voting rights.

Employee-Owned Journal Communications Rejects Takeover Bid

Journal Communications is one of the largest employee-owned firms, and the largest in the communications industry. Majority employee-owned for over 50 years, it employs about 6,000 people. It publishes the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and has several subsidiaries in various media fields.