Start Here: Corporate Governance and Employee Ownership

The relationship between employee ownership and corporate governance depends on the legal form of employee ownership–read on for specifics about ESOPs, equity compensation plans, and other forms of employee ownership.

Start Here: ESOP Decision-Makers

Resources for inside fiduciaries, board members, HR professionals, and other oversight roles at an existing ESOP company. 

Start Here: ESOP Participants

Whether you’re a new hire or a 30-year lifelong employee, being an ESOP participant is often more beneficial and more confounding than working at a non-ESOP company.

Start Here: Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and Employee Ownership

Limited liability companies (LLCs) are a relatively recent form of business organization, but one that has become increasingly popular because of their simplicity and flexibility. Many LLCs want employees to have an ownership stake in the company, and they have a wide array of options.

Start Here: Professional Advisors

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Employee Ownership by the Numbers

This page presents counts and characteristics of ESOPs and other employee stock ownership plans in the U.S., using data made available by the U.S. Department of Labor, Survey of Consumer Finances, and other sources. Page Contents