With NCEO founder Corey Rosen
Training for Inside ESOP Fiduciaries
Guidance on ESOP fiduciary issues
Corey Rosen, the NCEO's founder, can provide a 90-minute, customized live webinar for your company's inside ESOP fiduciaries.
The presentation describes who is defined as a fiduciary and what the law requires of them. The presentation focuses on how to act as a responsible fiduciary in several key areas, including:
- Making sure the ESOP pays no more than fair market value when buying shares from outsiders and no less than FMV when buying back shares from employees.
- Making sure allocation, diversification, eligibility, vesting, voting rights, and distribution rules are followed. Practically speaking, this means making sure you have a good administrator and that you look into any complaints.
- Making sure all required filings are filed.
- Making sure the advisors are well-qualified.
- Managing non-stock investments prudently.
- Reviewing any changes in plan rules to make sure they comply with the law.
- Acting as a responsible shareholder.
- Responding to offers to buy the company.
After discussing rules and responsibilities, several scenarios are raised to provide examples of potentially difficult issues. The presentation also reviews experiences with ESOP litigation and Department of Labor investigations.
Our company's plan fiduciaries received fiduciary training from Corey Rosen and the National Center for Employee Ownership with excellent results. The workshop provided not only comprehensive background on the basics but also a great forum for getting answers to questions regarding our specific ESOP arrangement. I highly recommend both the training workshop and the NCEO's corresponding book The Inside Fiduciary Handbook.
Customizing the presentation
The presentation will be customized after a discussion with your company so that it accurately describes how your fiduciaries are selected and operate. You will receive a recording of the presentation after the Webinar to use as you like in the future.
Sample slides
See a sample of a few of the slides in the presentation in PDF format.
We charge $500 for NCEO members and $750 for nonmembers.
Reach out to learn more and get started
Led by

Corey Rosen
At NCEO Since
Corey received his Ph.D. in political science from Cornell University in 1973, after which he taught politics at Ripon College in Wisconsin before being named an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow in 1975. He worked on Capitol Hill for the next five years, where he helped initiate and draft legislation on ESOPs and employee ownership. In 1981, he formed the NCEO. He serves on several ESOP company boards.